Statement | Franco Ariaudo
visual artist & researcher
Ariaudo’s transdisciplinary research draws on anthropology, sociology, ritualism, sport and leisure. He investigates, and at times destabilizes, those anthropological and social short-circuits that lead to the formation of a specific train of thought, to the establishment of a tradition or simply to the expression of a cliché. On a formal level, Ariaudo constructs mechanical and sculptural devices, and engages in performances, video and installations that, by virtue of small perceptual variances, tend to disturb the habitual gaze of the spectator. His work highlights and features “the play of forces at play”- that tension between contrasting movements and energies that leads to a specific subject becoming an object of contention (between tradition and modernity, power and submission).

Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, Italy.
The Big Piano Smash, exhibition and public lecture on the theme of "piano destruction and activities" at GAM (Modern Art Gallery) in Turin. Curated by Elena Volpato.
Cubo Race, public engaged performance at CCA Ujazdowski Castle in Varsavia, Polonia. Curated by Anna Czaban.
Derby, performative project at Kulturhauz’s New Urban Archeology, Torun, Polonia. Curated by Krzysztof GutfraÅ„ski.
The Art Pacemaker, public engaged performance, Milan. Curated by That’s Contemporary.
VIVA Performance, International Performance Festival, Cosenza. Curated by Tania Bruguera and Cristiana Perrella.
Premio IMAGONIRMIA, residency research program in Chiaravalle, Milan, Italy.
Biruchiy Contemporary Art Project, residency program at Biryuchyi Island, Ukraine.
Kulturhauz’s New Urban Archeology, research/production residency in Torun, Poland.
Resò3, residency program at Khoj Intenational Artists Association, New Delhi.
Viva Performance Lab, research/production performative residency in Cosenza, Italy. Visiting professors: Tania Bruguera, Joshua Okhon.
Corso Superiore di Arti Visive “SiamoDavvero Liberi? Are We Really Free?”, Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Como. Visiting professor: Liliana Moro.
Aperto 2011_art on the border, research/production residency in Alta Valle Camonica, Brescia, Italy. Visiting professors: Andrea Caretto/Raffaella Spagna.
Fondazione Spinola Banna per l’Arte, residency program in Poirino, Torino. Visiting professor: Liliana Moro.
Laboratorio sull’abolizione dell’autocensura nella pratiche artistiche, workshop at Galleria Franco Soffiantino, Turin, Italy. Curated by Cesare Pietroiusti.
Faster Than Crist, solo show at COLLI Independent art gallery, Rome. Curated by Sergey Kantsedal.
Basilisk, project room at The Naked Room, Kiev. Curated by Sergey Kantsedal
The Pitcher, solo show at COLLI Independent art gallery, Rome. Curated by Fabio Cafagna.
Mirror Project 5, solo show (with Isamit Morales) at Associazione Barriera, Turin. Curated by Bruno Barsanti e Fabio Cafagna.
Convulsion Ltd. : further thoughts from new associates, group show at Easward Prospectus gallery, Bucharest. Curated by KILOBASE BUCHAREST & Sandra Demetrescu.
De arte gymnastica, group show at Pinacoteca Albertina, Torino. Curated by Maria Teresa Roberto.
Les sentiers battus sont pleins de fictions endormies, double group show at Filatoio di Caraglio, Cuneo and Château de Montmaur, France. Curated by A.titolo.
Local Art 2014, group show at Giardini Fresia, Cuneo. Curated by Claudio Cravero.
The Arena, The Imagination & The Body, group show at Khoj International Artist Association, New Delhi, India. Curated by Simrat Dugal.
Vetrinale, contemporary art festival, group show in Rome. Curated by Cecilia Casorati.
Corso Aperto 2012, XVIII Advanced Course in Visual Arts, Group show at Fondazione Antonio Ratti- Como. Curated by Andrea Lissoni, Annie Ratti, Liliana Moro.
Torinover_one year tour, group show in Torino-Edinburgh- Rotterdam- Bordeaux-Glasgow. Curated by Elisa Lenhard e Francesa Solero.
Il Giornale Ideale, Franco Ariaudo, AA.VV. Artist book, newspaper, 16 pages, 4 colours (CMYK), printed in 100 copies numbered and signed.
Fifty Books About Energy, Franco Ariaudo. Artist book, 54 pages, 4 colours (CMYK), printed in 10 copies numbered and signed.
Sportification, performativity, eurovisions and playgrounds, Franco Ariaudo, Luca Pucci, Emanuele De Donno, AA.VV. Publication/research project, Viaindustriae Publishing / COLLI Publishing Platform. 600 pages, 1 color (black), 3 colors (RYB), 4 colors (CMYK), printed in 800 copies.
Del Lancio, Franco Ariaudo, Fabio Cafagna, AA.VV. Viaindustriae publishing. 117 pages, b/w, printed in 100 copies numbered and signed.